MAESTRO 11 Software

A laptop with the MAESTRO 11 software displays the new Remote Care Data Request on the screen, which is brand new in MAESTRO 11.

Providing in-clinic and remote care is easy with MAESTRO 11, our newest fitting software for MED-EL cochlear implant systems. Designed to save you time, MAESTRO 11 makes it possible for you to request data from your patients with Remote Care and support SONNET 3 and SONNET 3 EAS users.

  • Remote fitting without appointments
  • Request data via Remote Care
  • Support SONNET 3 users
  • Enhanced look and feel
On the left, an audiologist adjusts her patient’s fitting maps during the day. On the right, her patient notices a notification to download the new fitting map on her mobile phone whenever she has time.

Remote Care & Fitting

With MAESTRO 11, you can adjust and send audio processor fitting maps to your patients who use the HearCare MED-EL app—no matter where they are and at any time that’s convenient for you.

Increased Access to Hearing Care

Offer your patients with compatible smartphones* and MED-EL devices** increased access to timely personalized care with remote care via MAESTRO 11. Remote care and fitting are ideal for MED-EL cochlear implant recipients who:

  • Live far from your clinic
  • Are unable to visit the clinic due to medical conditions
  • Lack mobility or time

You have the power to decide which patients are suitable for remote care and invite them via MAESTRO 11.

With the HearCare app, your patients have the power to share their data with you, their trusted clinician, after they’ve visited your clinic. After they complete a system check, your patient’s current configuration is available to you at any time via a MAESTRO 11 remote care session, which gives you access to the same fitting parameters as in a conventional face-to-face in-clinic fitting session.** It includes an ongoing record of each configuration backup: telemetry measurements, fitting maps, front-end parameters, audiogram data, and datalogging.

Anytime Access to Device Data & Backups

Quickly access your patients’ most recent settings and past configuration backups at any time. This includes microphone, coil or cable problems, audio processor and implant errors as well as RONDO 3 battery health. With MAESTRO 11 and remote care, the telemetry measurement and microphone data provided is equivalent to data obtained during in-clinic visits. This means remote care patients who are doing well or only need implant checks will no longer need an appointment, saving you time.

A laptop with the MAESTRO 11 software displays a patient’s configuration backup history.

Prioritize Care Based on Patients’ Needs

Evaluate remote care results at your convenience to prioritize those who need the most urgent in-clinic care. You can access past records to monitor progress and changes. This allows you to provide flexible, individualized ongoing care by monitoring patients who are performing as expected without in-clinic visits. That way they can avoid time-consuming trips to the clinic, and you can reserve in-clinic appointments for those who most need them.

A laptop with the MAESTRO 11 software displays impedance field telemetry data gathered via Remote Care.

Asynchronous Remote Audio Processor Fitting

Remote care provides access to the same fitting parameters as in a conventional face-to-face fitting session. It also allows you to remotely fit, program, and make adjustments to your patients’ audio processors—all without needing to set an appointment time. This gives you the flexibility to provide care to your patients when it suits your schedule and continue to meet their individual needs. And they can quickly and conveniently download their new configuration anytime, anywhere.

A cochlear implant user sits outside at a café and uses the HearCare MED-EL app to conveniently download a new audio processor configuration from their clinician.

Request Data via Remote Care

When a patient may need care or has not done an implant check, processor check, or configuration backup for a significant amount of time, you can request data from this patient.

After an audio processor has been paired with the HearCare app, a connection has been established between the patient and your institution, and you request audio processor data via Remote Care in MAESTRO, the patient or their caregiver will receive a push notification from the HearCare app. Your patient then has ten days to complete the request by performing a system check and configuration backup with HearCare MED-EL whenever it is convenient. You can request data for each audio processor and track the status of each of your requests in MAESTRO.

A laptop in a clinical setting with the MAESTRO 11 software displays the new Remote Care Data Request welcome screen.

Faster Audio Processor Replacements***

With remote care, you no longer need to take the time to program a replacement or loaner audio processor of the same type before sending it to your patient. Simply send the empty processor directly to your patient or their caregiver, and they can download their last audio processor configuration with the backup function in the HearCare app. This way your patients will have less hearing downtime, and you can provide them with timely support.

A busy cochlear implant user downloads a new audio processor configuration on the go using the HearCare MED-EL app.

Steps to Access MED-EL Remote Care and Fitting


Get in touch with your local MED-EL representative as soon as possible.


MED-EL gives your clinic access to remote fitting and care via MAESTRO 11.


Your patients download the HearCare MED-EL app and you invite eligible patients via MAESTRO 11.


You can provide suitable patients remote care and fitting at any time.

Sign Up for Remote Care at Your Clinic

Request more information to prepare your clinic to provide remote care and fitting services to MED-EL cochlear implant recipients.

Sign Up for Remote Care

HearCare MED-EL

With this easy-to-use app, your patients can receive audio processor configurations for remote fitting, perform implant, coil, and audio processor checks, and back up their audio processor configurations and settings. Convenient Care. Anytime. Anywhere.

Find Out More
An audiologist speaks with one of his satisfied cochlear implant patients.

Enhanced Features

Flexible Streaming Settings

For SONNET 3 and SONNET 3 EAS users, you can enable or disable wireless streaming and customize their streaming settings to suit their needs and preferences. You can provide map-dependent settings, including boosting direct audio input, enabling and disabling the mix of ambient sounds during phone calls, and changing the attenuation of the microphone when mixed with a direct audio input signal or wireless streaming.

A laptop displays the screen for the SONNET 3 wireless streaming options in MAESTRO 11, which allows clinicians to customize streaming settings for SONNET 3 and SONNET 3 EAS users.

Time-Saving Intraoperative Workflows

MAESTRO provides easy-to-follow intraoperative workflows. Whether you are new or experienced in the OR, these intuitive workflows can help you save time when performing objective measurements like AutoART, eABR or eSRT. Additionally, you can also measure cochlear microphonics (CM) as a response to acoustic stimulation in patients with residual hearing.

Customize SONNET 3 Settings

Programming SONNET 3 and SONNET 3 EAS audio processors in MAESTRO 11 is similar to doing so for our SONNET 2 audio processor series with previous versions of MAESTRO. That makes it easy for you to upgrade existing patients to the newest hardware. Based on your patient’s needs and preferences, SONNET 3’s touch key can be customized to activate and deactivate standby mode, switch programs, or be disabled entirely.

Seamless Cybersecurity Compliance

MAESTRO 11 allows you to configure the storage and transmission of data to meet your unique requirements. MAESTRO 11 can also be seamlessly integrated into existing user management infrastructure for authorized users. By using active directory, MAESTRO 11 allows you to log in quickly and easily via a secure single sign-on. Data that you export or upload and download for remote care is secured by using state-of-the-art security algorithms and technologies to make the exchange of data as secure as possible for you.

A tablet displays a screen in the OTOPLAN software, which allows clinicians to view the exact angular insertion depth of each electrode contact along with the corresponding tonotopic frequency location to be used for anatomy-based fitting.

Place-Based Mapping With Anatomy-Based Fitting

Providing your patients with a closer match to natural hearing has always been our philosophy, and our unique long electrode arrays can deliver more accurate place-pitch stimulation to the cochlea’s natural tonotopic map. And when it comes to the cochlea’s second turn, only MED-EL’s cochlear implants are designed to mimic natural rate coding with FineHearing sound coding.

With MAESTRO 11 and place-based mapping using our anatomy-based fitting (ABF) tools, you can reach closer to natural hearing with your patients than ever before.

With anatomy-based fitting, you can easily fine-tune the frequency map to be closer to the natural map of each individual cochlea. By combining detailed imaging data from OTOPLAN with MAESTRO 11, you can quickly assign center frequencies based on the actual anatomical location of each electrode contact.****

“ABF can be used to fit experienced bilateral cochlear implant users; it improves speech perception, especially in noise, and self-perceived sound quality. ABF fitting is a promising approach to match the input from both CIs, thereby providing access to binaural processing.” [ft]

Kurz et al., 2023

“Methods to minimize electric mismatches, such as place-based mapping procedures, may support better early speech recognition for [similar patient populations of EAS users].” [ft]

Dillon et al., 2023

A tablet displays a screen in the OTOPLAN software, enabling clinicians to view the exact angular insertion depth of each electrode contact along with its corresponding tonotopic frequency. This data is used for anatomy-based fitting.

Use OTOPLAN to Identify Electrode Contact Location

OTOPLAN is a powerful surgical planning software that allows you to visualize detailed 3D anatomy from standard imaging. With OTOPLAN, you can automatically identify contact location using post-op imaging. And OTOPLAN calculates the natural tonotopic frequency for each electrode contact.****

A laptop displays a screen in the MAESTRO 11 software where clinicians can adjust anatomy-based fitting settings.

Apply Place-Based Mapping via Anatomy-Based Fitting

With just a few clicks, you can import the detailed electrode location data into MAESTRO 11 from OTOPLAN for place-based mapping. MAESTRO 11 automatically calculates an optimal distribution of electrode center frequencies to cover the full input frequency range (70Hz–8,500 Hz) while aligning to the natural tonotopic map as closely as possible based on where each contact is positioned in the cochlea. You also have the option to fine-tune the frequency range of each electrode contact using simple manual controls.

A laptop displays a screen in the MAESTRO 11 software where clinicians can complete a standard cochlear implant fitting procedure.

Complete Standard Fitting Procedure

Anatomy-based fitting helps you to assign more natural frequency distributions on an individual electrode array. After finishing these simple steps for place-based mapping, you can carry on with your normal fitting process. Anatomy-based fitting is designed to work together with subjective patient feedback and objective measures.

MED-EL Academy: Anatomy-Based Fitting

Learn more about providing place-based mapping with anatomy-based fitting at your clinic. Check out our in-depth online series on the fundamentals of Anatomy-Based Fitting, plus detailed guides to OTOPLAN and MAESTRO—find everything you’re looking for on the MED-EL Academy!

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An audiologist sits next to her patient at the clinic.

Bimodal Synchronization

With MAESTRO’s Bimodal Synchronization feature, you can easily match the processing delay timing between RONDO 3, SONNET 3, or SONNET 2 and nearly any hearing aid without needing to refit the hearing aid.

View timing settings for hearing aids

A laptop displays MAESTRO 11’s bimodal synchronization screen where clinicians can easily match the processing delay timing between some MED-EL audio processors and any hearing aid.
MED-EL’s modern headquarters are located in alpine Innsbruck, Austria.

Why MED-EL: 
A Trusted Partner

For more than 30 years, MED-EL has been a trusted partner and innovation leader in hearing implants. We’re here to work together with you, and we’re committed to providing outstanding service and support for our professional partners. 

With the most advanced cochlear implant systems, we offer the best hearing experience for your patients and the best clinical experience for you. 

Sign Up for Remote Care

Ready to learn more about offering remote care and fitting to your patients?
Fill out this form to request more information from your local MED-EL representative.

Personal Information

Clinic Information


We will treat your information with respect. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our privacy policy page. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

Your request and contact details will be forwarded to the closest MED-EL office or certified partner in your country. MED-EL will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing.

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Technical Data



  • Coding strategies: FS4, FS4-p, FSP, HDCIS. The Fine Structure Processing strategies (FS4, FS4-p, FSP) deliver both tonotopic and temporal information, reflecting natural hearing
  • Pulse shape options: Biphasic and Triphasic Pulses, Interphase Gaps (IPG)
  • Four program positions
  • Progressive maps: Automatic generation of maps with an increase in loudness
  • Integrated EAS acoustic fitting (6-channel EAS acoustic fitting)
  • Longitudinal patient record: The patient history gives a quick overview of previous measurements and mappings
  • Data import and export with integrated option to anonymize patient data
  • Visual reinforcement tool (VRT): Integrated media player to support fitting with visual rewards
  • Compatible with all current MED-EL multichannel cochlear implants
  • Compatible with all currently available MED-EL audio processors
  • Bimodal view in postoperative sessions that allows bimodal synchronization for patients with a hearing aid****
  • Support for importing OTOPLAN data and computing a frequency band distribution based on OTOPLAN data
  • System check dialog that can help perform a functional check of certain hardware components of an audio processor****
  • Support of processor software updates for certain audio processor types****
  • Telecoil booster and direct audio input booster****
  • Remote Care allows you to perform tasks and asynchronously exchange data with compatible patient devices to update audio processor configurations***
  • Impedance heat map represents calculated impedances obtained from an Impedance and Field Telemetry (IFT) task
  • Data export and import is optimized for easier importing, exporting, and resolving of data conflicts

Professional Online Portal***

  • Integrated link to myMED-EL, an online platform for professionals


The following measurements are available intraoperatively and postoperatively:

  • Impedance and Field Telemetry (IFT): Easy and fast implant integrity check
  • Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential (ECAP) measurements: AutoART is the fastest automatic ECAP measuring tool (intraoperative: 90 seconds for all 12 channels, postoperative: 3-4 minutes for all 12 channels), ART provides extended configuration options and additional measurement types
  • Electrically Evoked Stapedius Reflex Threshold (ESRT): Check implant function intraoperatively or find an objective baseline for fitting postoperatively
  • Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response (EABR): Confirm if stimulation is generating a response in the auditory center of the brain
  • Electric Acoustic Evoked Potential (EAEP) Tool (Advanced ART Setup): Record coordinated electrically and acoustically evoked intracochlear potentials with the first clinically available cochlear microphonics (ECoG) tool


  • Automatic ECAP-based maps: ARTFit automatically generates a fitting map based on an ECAP measurement
  • Strategy-independent energy consumption: The energy consumption of the processor is independent of the selected coding strategy
  • Loudness balancing: Easy simultaneous balancing of bilateral CIs, SSD cases, or CI to hearing aids
  • Remote fitting capability

System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

  • PC with a supported 64-bit Microsoft Windows operating system
  • Dual-core x64 processor with a clock speed of 1.6 GHz or faster
  • 2 GB of free RAM or more
  • 2 GB of free disk space or more
  • Display resolution of 1920 × 1080 or higher
  • One free high-power USB Type-A compliant port, version 2.0 or higher

Software Requirements

Microsoft Windows 10 and later (64-bit)

Supported database formats

Microsoft SQL Server 2022, Microsoft SQL Server
2019, Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Microsoft SQL Server 2016

MAX Programming Interface

The MAX programming interface is compatible with all current multichannel implants and audio processors. It features two audio processor sockets, allowing simultaneous bilateral fittings.


Upgrading is quicker and easier than ever before— simply download the software. Alternatively, order a USB flash drive.

OTOPLAN software is a product of CASCINATION AG.
* For smartphone compatibility information, go to the HearCare MED-EL page.
** HearCare MED-EL and fitting via Remote Care are compatible with PULSARCI100, SYNCHRONY, CONCERTO, SONATA series implants used in combination with a SONNET 2, SONNET 2 EAS, SONNET 3, SONNET 3 EAS or RONDO 3 audio processor. Fitting via Remote Care is only accessible if enabled by a clinician. Recipients with the HearCare MED-EL app and a compatible smartphone as well as a compatible implant and audio processor can perform system checks on their own after installing the app without Remote Care being enabled by their clinician. Clinicians should consider the suitability of fitting via Remote Care before inviting qualified patients based on clinical judgment.
*** Not all services are available in all areas.
**** Compatible with SONNET 2, SONNET 2 EAS, SONNET 3, SONNET 3 EAS and RONDO 3 audio processors.

Not all features are available on all versions of SONNET 2/SONNET 2 EAS. You can check which SONNET 2/SONNET 2 EAS variant your patient has here. For full details on its features, please see the technical data.