Music Special Session 3: Music Rehabilitation—Benefits for Pediatric and Adult CI Users


06 October 2022, 16:00 - 17:00, (UTC +2:00)

Zdjęcie-Skarzynski Piotr Henryk  
Prof. Piotr Henryk Skarżyński, M.D., Ph.D., MSc., Medical University of Warsaw and Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing
Bianca Wirthner
Mag. Bianca Wirthner, MSc, BSc, Music Therapist, University Hospital St. Pölten
Bastien Sannac 
Bastien Sannac, MSc, Co-founder and CEO, Meludia
Get an in-depth look at music rehabilitation for implant recipients in this special webinar for hearing professionals. We’ll talk to rehab specialists from around the world about their findings and practical tips for music training with both adults and children. There’ll also be a roundtable focused on music programs, their successes, and possible benefits. Speakers include Professor Piotr Henryk Skarżyński, music therapist Bianca Wirthner, and Meludia founder Bastien Sannac.