The Hannover Series: Surgical Experience in Routine and Challenging CI Cases
20 January 2022, 18:30 - 20:00, (UTC +1:00)

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Lenarz
Hannover Medical School
Hannover Medical School

Dr. Rolf Salcher
Hannover Medical School
Hannover Medical School
In this session of the Hannover Series, findings from many years of experience in CI surgery will be presented. The focus will be especially on challenging cases.
Different methods for preoperative diagnostics, as well as surgical approaches will be presented, which are selected with the aim of best individual treatment of every patient. By showing case presentations of difficult cases, it will be explained which set of intraoperative diagnostics as well as special surgical tools can be used to find successful hearing solutions, even for those individuals.
For German speakers, this event will take place on January 18 at 18:30-20:00 (UTC +1:00), and you can sign up for it in German here. Otherwise, please use the button below for the English event.
Different methods for preoperative diagnostics, as well as surgical approaches will be presented, which are selected with the aim of best individual treatment of every patient. By showing case presentations of difficult cases, it will be explained which set of intraoperative diagnostics as well as special surgical tools can be used to find successful hearing solutions, even for those individuals.
For German speakers, this event will take place on January 18 at 18:30-20:00 (UTC +1:00), and you can sign up for it in German here. Otherwise, please use the button below for the English event.
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